Monotronic’s single and video for “Just Another Day” flutters alongside unpredictable lyrics laden with psychedelic imagery, scrawled in the aftermath of an Ayahuasca retreat in Peru. “The experience was so heavy I needed to keep telling myself “it’s just another day” as a reminder that I would eventually come down! When the morning came around, a flood of lyrics came to me in one stream of consciousness, and I frantically texted whatever I could recall into my phone. The lyrics stayed in my phone for 2 years and I had almost forgotten about them, until early 2020 when the music came to me and I was able to connect the two and put the song together.”

Monotronic is a New York-based collective led by anthropologist and musician/producer Ramsey Elkholy. They released their debut album in 2019 followed by a series of singles and videos that started in the summer of 2020 with the glaring riffs and chantable refrain of “Kids of Summer.” In the fall came the pensive and poetic “Buy Yourself A Dream.” The songs have racked up more than 430k cumulative views and streams to date.

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